There are gardens, when we discover them for the first time, we are deeply moved. They have this something indescribable, this magical power to mark our minds. However, nothing is exceptional there except gentle nature preserved and pampered by the hands of a patient gardener and plants friend. Hidden from any view, the vast garden and its gardener leave an everyday peaceful life, following the rhythm of the seasons, the rain, the wind and the sun. A generous vegetable garden and fruit trees of all kinds stand out on the charming horizon drawn by the Vosges blue line. There is just heaven and peace.
Perched on the top of the first foothills of the Vosges massif, is a small village having escaped the madness of the hectic life of the valley, Heiligenberg. Calm, serene, authentic. And it is here, towards the highest point of the mountain and the village, that spreads out this extraordinary garden that Charles Trenet would certainly have sung.